Affiliate Program - Join Today!
Sign-up for the Live Green Tea Hawaii Affiliate Program...
It's as easy as 1-2-3!
ATTENTION: Effective January 1, 2016 our Affiliate Program has been modified, if you are interested in becoming a retailer of the green tea Hawaii products, please contact us -
Step 1 - REGISTER: Contact us and provide the following pertinent account information (see below) and one of our customer service representatives will assist you in completing the registration process. Once you've received your authorized affiliate code, you're ready for Step 2.
Step 2 - PROMOTE: Be creative! Start promoting Live Green Tea Hawaii and its greenteaHAWAII products via social media, blogging, word-of-mouth, printed materials, or whatever method you feel is most effective to drive customers and ultimately sales to the online store. IMPORTANT: Your provided affiliate code will also serve as a promo code to your customers and provide a $10.00 OFF discount to all orders totaling $20.00 or more, so don't forget to advertise your unique affiliate code because that's also what identifies an order as having been generated by your efforts.
Step 3 - EARN: Here's where the fun really begins... You earn a commission for all qualified orders** generated by your unique affiliate code. So at the end of each sales month (typically the last day of the calendar month), Live Green Tea Hawaii will pay you for commissions earned for that sales month. [Affiliate commission payments will be made via Paypal, unless an affiliate specifically requests a payment by check]
**Orders must have the affiliate code recorded at the time of the sale and only orders placed at are eligible for a paid commission. Orders totaling less than $40 are unfortunately not eligible for a paid commission (avg. order total: $62.50). A complete breakdown of the 4-tier commission structure will be provided to you as part of registering in the Aloha Green Tea Hawaii affiliate program.
*Required fields
*Name (full legal name): _________________________________________ ________
*Email: __________________________________@____ __________________
Address: __________________________________________ _________________
________________________ , ___________________ ___________
Phone (optional): (______) ______ - __________
*Requested Personal Affiliate Code (no more than 10 characters): ________________
*LGTH Affiliate Program Password: ______________________________________
Media types intended to use for affiliate marketing: (circle as many as apply)
Blogs Web Design/Content Word-of-Mouth Printed Materials
I certify that I am 18 years of age or older: YES NO
Your address and phone # will only be used to contact you for internal correspondence or in the event of an issue with your LGTH affiliate account. Address is specifically requested in an effort to send commission payments (in the event you choose not to receive commission payments via Paypal); Live Green Tea Hawaii respects your privacy; Your supplied contact information will not be sold or used for advertising by third-party companies.
Live Green Tea Hawaii (LGTH) wants you to be successful in this affiliate program, so please contact us if you have questions, concerns or feedback. Anyone violating the LGTH Affiliate Program rules or guidelines will be terminated from the program; terminated accounts are not eligible to earn any future commissions. Aloha Green Tea Hawaii (LGTH) reserves the right to modify its commissions structure and/or cancel its affiliate program altogether with a 30-day written notice to its affiliate account owners or a publicly posted notification of said changes to its affiliate program.
You can advertise the affiliate program discount in your marketing, however you can not advertise below retail prices (actual prices with discount applied); pricing must reflect the retail prices posted on the Aloha Green Tea Hawaii website []
Active affiliate account owners have the right to utilize the Aloha Green Tea Hawaii's name, logos & current marketing designs in a lawful and positive manner and solely for the purpose of advertising & marketing of Aloha Green Tea Hawaii and its retail products. No rights are granted or are inherent with an affiliate account owner to use the Aloha Green Tea Hawaii name, logos or marketing designs for re-use, resale, or in any manner which generates revenue outside the outlined paid commission structure.