Aloha green tea HAWAII

Ever read the headline, “Drink green tea- you CAN live longer”?  It is not an uncommon headline to see these days.  Green tea is an ancient beverage and the properties in green tea have been of special interest to scientists and researchers for quite some time.  There has been a lot of media focus on its amazing benefits which include assisting in weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight, fighting cancers and heart disease, preventing cavities, helping to reduce and heal skin damage, and its abilities to build strong bones.  There are a lot of reasons to get excited when you consider what one cup of Green Tea Hawaii has the power to do!

For centuries, people have been boiling tea leaves to make an enjoyable beverage.  Some archeologists conclude that the original use of green tea in China and India was as a stimulant.   We know that in China green tea has been used for its health benefits for centuries.  According to Jeffrey B. Blumberg of Tufts University in Boston, the health benefits of green tea are known to be the best in the world.   

Green Tea Information: 

Green tea comes from the leaves of the camellia sinesis bush.  All teas contain natural antioxidant properties; but, green tea is the supreme of all teas!  Catechin is the special substance of green tea.  There are four main substances in catechin- EGCG, EGC, ECG, and EC and while each is called catechin, the most powerful of the catechins is EGCG, which makes green tea a very powerful beverage.  In fact, one cup of green tea is more beneficial than a serving of broccoli, carrots, strawberries or spinach.  Each cup offers 10- 40 mg. of polyphenols- this is in a regular cup of tea (Green Tea Hawaii has 450mg!)  The benefits of the high antioxidant activity of green tea are truly amazing.  Nearly every part of the body benefits- including white blood cells.   Green Tea Hawaii has honed in on the advantages of green tea while eliminating the high doses of caffeine providing users with the health benefits of 45 cups of tea.  It is so amazing what just two servings of the tea daily can do- which you will begin to feel in as little as a week on the Live Green Tea Hawaii diet. 

Some Medical Research:

Cardiovascular Benefits

   Studies conducted in Japan found that individuals that drink five cups or more of green tea every day, the risk of cardiovascular disease is lowered by up to 26 percent, than those who drank one cup of green tea a day.  The study was conducted on 350 adults aged 40 to 79 years old. 

Fighting Cancer

Green tea has been shown to help prevent prostate cancer, breast cancer, and other cancers.  EGCG in green tea has been linked with the beneficial ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.  It has also been shown, according to a Japanese study, that of women who suffer from breast cancer, their pain is reduced when they drink no less than two cups of green tea daily; and the risk of developing breast cancer is reduced by up to 18%.

Weight Control

Green tea has a slimming power, helping you to reduce your body weight!  Studies have shown that the body mass index, body weight, and waist circumference (but not the waist-to-hip ratio) can all be reduced by catechins in green tea.

Protecting Against Pneumonia

Studies have shown a link in the properties of green tea to combat the growth of viruses and other micro-organisms due to their antioxidant power.  It is believed that this may reduce the risk of pneumonia.  It was concluded that women who drink five or more cups of green tea daily can reduce their risk of pneumonia by nearly 50%. 

Keeping Cells Young and Skin Beautiful

According to a researcher in Hong Kong, drinking three cups of green tea each day helps to regenerate your skin and helps the bad cells to become more healthy and alive. 

As a reader, researcher and avid drinker of Green Tea Hawaii I can’t tell you how positive I feel to be doing something so beneficial for my body and overall well-being, and amazed that it takes absolutely no effort!

Written by Erin Kilgour — December 18, 2012

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